Methodist Parsonage

In one of first charges to be established in Texas (1838) in time of the Republic. First Montgomery parsonage was first built by any Protestant church in Texas. This second Montgomery parsonage was bought in 1886. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 1965


Mrs.Eva Rains

What is the biggest change you've seen in Montgomery since moving here?

Mrs.Eva: "The biggest thing I've seen change has been how much it has grown, and the building that has gone on. When I first moved here Walmart wasn't there, Brookshire Brother's wasn't there."

What do you like most about Montgomery?

Mrs.Eva: "I like most that it has stayed old. If a new building is going to be built, they have to build it to look old or if a building is damaged they fix it instead of tearing it down."

Tell me one of your experiences here in Montgomery that has lasted with you.

Mrs Eva: "One of the neatest things I've gotten to experience because I work here would be, Cissy Boulware. She lived here her all of her life, born and bred here. She and her husband were ranchers, and all of the stories she wrote for the Montgomery Newspaper are still there. She died tragically in a house fire a few years ago and all of her stories perished with her, she didn't believe in computers. She told stories about ranching, driving cows, her old dog, and it was really neat. I am very proud to have met her, she was a walking talking breathing history book."

Would you change anything about Montgomery?

Mrs.Eva "I wouldn't change anything about the town at all."

What is one word that describes Montgomery?

Mrs.Eva "The word that comes to mind when I think about Montgomery is, friendly. You know, now that I've met you guys if I see you at Walmart its 'Hey the library lady!"

Thank You


Thank you for letting me interview you for my Montgomery scavenger hunt. I appreciate all the information that you gave me. It helps me to understand the history of Montgomery the more I have worked on this project.

Also it meant a lot that you stayed after hours at work to sit and talk with me. I hope to see you and Mrs.Steffler at the library again soon. :)

Take care,
Wesley W.